There are so many diets out there and to be honest most of us are fed up with them – you may think that quinoa diet is just one of them.
Well, I have good news for you. The story of this Incan sacred food or secret weapon started about 6000 years ago. Incan warriors could survive on this super food - of course they didn’t know that term back then – for days when they were fighting with their enemies and didn’t have anything else to eat.
So what’s this super food? It is called quinoa - pronounced keen-wah and it comes from South America mainly from Peru , Bolivia and Ecuador . It is basically a seed that - although it looks like a grain but it isn’t – is related to beet and spinach.
Quinoa is full of good things like
- vitamins
- minerals
- fibers
- slow releasing carbs
- amino accids
- good cholesterol.
You can use quinoa in your diet in stead of eating rice or potato. First it is healthier and secondly you can make really versatile and tasty dishes from it for example soups, salads, caserolesa and even desserts - the list is endless. It is just amazing.
If you want lose weight in the healthy way and risk-free so quinoa diet is for you.
You don’t need to take strange weight loss pills or drink weird smoothies because quinoa is a 100% natural crop; it’s the super food of the 21st century.